Online Learning
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Online Learning Resource Page containing links to a diverse array of e-learning opportunities featuring topics impacting children and families, professional development tools, as well as collegiate level general education subjects.
Please note that the former e-learning courses provided by CSC will no longer be available. Certificates of completion for trainings successfully completed before March 30, 2018 can still be found under My Registrations on the Home page. We hope that these new online learning tools are helpful in guiding and supporting you on your path to continued professional development.
Click on a title for a new window to open to the requested website.
Positive Youth Development:
Children and Family Courses:
Child Welfare League of America
Department of Children and Families - Child Abuse Course
Department of Homeland Security - Blue Campaign (Human Trafficking)
NetSmartz - Free Safety Training for Parents, Educators and Youth
Professional Development and Other Online Courses:
Alison - Free Certified Learning
ERI Distance Learning Center - HR Courses (Fee for exam)
Excel Easy - Free Excel training
GCF - Learn Free
Joyfields Institute - Evidence and Strength-Based Learning
Native Monks
Nonprofit Ready
The Association for Addiction Professionals
Education Insider - College Courses:
The Education Portal - General Education
The Education Portal - Human Services
The Education Portal - Social Services
Health and Wellness